Encounters With Wildness

poems & photography by Melissa Fritchle

There will be a time

There will be a time

when your spirit is curled up


inside the snail shell of your body,

an easily cracked layer of heat

that you pull away from, begrudging

this time of waiting it out

curled in, still, unseeing.


There will be a time

when you stand in the shower

on quivering legs,

acts so simple, now a challenge

and the warm water sending

colors and movement behind your eyes,

a spring superbloom of sensation

you can barely register.


There will be a time

when you are so, so tired

and impossible words float

like clouds

and you will not grab for them,

but sink slowly.


There will be a time

when you hear fear in the voice

of someone who loves you

and a sister calls to tell you,

with all the power she has at her command,

that you are not allowed to die,

and you are fed extravagantly

by neighborhoods of love

and slowly simmered broth.


There will be a time

when whatever this is passes

like the sound of storm drumming on roof

becomes silence and birdsong,

and the tight clench that you were


and you will know that you were lucky

every day running forward and back,

so amazing.

And whatever is next is welcomed.


                        (Melissa Fritchle 2020)

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