Encounters With Wildness

poems & photography by Melissa Fritchle

She Who Loves Creation

She who loves creation

has feathers in her hair, donated, dropped,

they whisper against her neck and shoulders.

Unlike me she doesn’t feel a need

to speak or say,

all vision, all witnessing,

wonder softens her face.

She knows where the animals are

In the underbrush; their fluttering hearts,

their ribcages ripe

for other teeth to crush.

She doesn’t flinch and when prompted

will taunt, tenderly,

You can love the wolf,

its wild quiet paw prints,

its howl reverberating to a distant mate.

But can you also love

the chickens slaughtered

into blood and feathers and bone chips?

Can you also love

the farmer who spends days building

fences and nests, hoping

to protect and provide for the family?

Who is the dreamer

And which dream do you privilege?

What is suffering

and what is survival?”

At dusk she watches silhouettes harden, coalesce

into dark against light, until engulfed into

night shadow.

We will not escape new beginnings

However narrow our vision gets.

No oracle, the plot doesn’t concern her,

the bleeding as blessed as the whole.

The abundance of air creating music enough

for her to dance, now, anywhere.

I know her flesh tastes of mushrooms and salt water

and smoke, served on a rose petal.

She inspires me to burn incantations into bone.

Sometimes when I look at her through the corner of my eye

she is the night sky

scattered with stars.

Look one just went dark.

Can you see?


                        (Melissa Fritchle 2020)

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